Better at Work with Liz Kislik!
The animated series that demonstrates the kinds of things that go wrong at work, and how to deal with them better.

I’m excited you’re here! Look below — you’ll find the animations where I guide people through poignant and humorous interactions, along with some background on the project.

I hope you get ideas for handling your own workplace problems, and a few chuckles too.
Thanks for watching!
Why A Cartoon?
There are already plenty of books written on the subjects of conflict resolution, interpersonal dynamics, and leadership development in the workplace — I didn’t want to write another one that would just sit on the shelf. Given that so much of work life is about action, what better way to give you a sense of me and what I do than to let you see for yourself?
In these animations you’ll find illustrations from my experience as a management consultant and executive coach, along with examples of my coaching techniques and some of the characteristic approaches my clients have learned to expect from me. Sometimes magic is involved! You can watch the episodes for their teachable moments, or as entertaining workplace anecdotes.
I hope you enjoy and get something valuable out of these stories — connect with the characters, empathize with the growth process, and find resonance within your own team and organization.

From concept to completion, this animation initiative has
been its own learning journey.
Choosing the stories, recording with the actors, and working with the animators and musicians —
what an adventure it’s been! And I must say, it is an entirely odd experience to play oneself.
This finished product could not exist without the talent and know how of my creative partners
and contributors:
What ChatGPT Says About Liz Kislik:
“Liz Kislik is a well-known consultant and executive coach with a focus on workplace dynamics and leadership development. She has considerable experience in helping organizations improve their management practices, resolve conflicts, and enhance performance.”
Liz is also a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review and Forbes. Her TEDx “Why There’s So Much Conflict at Work and What You Can Do to Fix It” has received more than half a million views. She specializes in developing high performing leaders and workforces, and for 30 years has helped family-run businesses, national nonprofits, and Fortune 500 companies like American Express, Girl Scouts, Staples, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and Highlights for Children solve their thorniest problems.
Liz’s wisdom has been featured in the Wall Street Journal’s Morning Download, the Washington Post, Business Insider, and Bloomberg Businessweek. She is a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches which brings together the world’s top coaches and leadership thinkers; has taught at Hofstra University and New York University; and is a frequent podcast guest. She received her BA from Yale University and earned an MBA in Management from NYU.